Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Creating a COZY Classroom

I know many of you will be setting up your classrooms soon, so it's a perfect time to share some of my tips to create a cozy classroom. Like many teachers I spend hours upon hours setting up my classroom to make sure it's perfect learning environment for my students and I to spend our days in. I'm always looking for ways to make my room cozy and welcoming.

I really believe that creating a cozy classroom is so very important. We spend much of our life in our classrooms and you need to love where you will be day in and day out. To our students the classroom is a little home away from home where they should feel comfortable to explore and learn!

Tip #1 Find Your Color Scheme
My first few years teaching, my classroom was a mish mosh of things I gathered. As years went on I found two colors that just worked for me and now I found my color scheme. Too many colors can make for a busy room that lacks focus. By choosing a few colors it really helps define a room.
(The above images are from Creative Teaching Press and Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits)

Tip #2 Create Individual Cozy Spaces
Aside from their desks your students should have the chance to find and use personal cozy spots throughout the day. Pillows and blankets create quick and comfy spots. Crate seats also make for extra seating and storage. Take advantage of thrift stores and yard sales you never know what gem you will find!

Tip #3 Make Your room Scent-Sational 
Let's be honest kids can be stinky and messy! It is amazing how your room will get a totally different feel to it after you attack it with some Clorox wipes. I also love using plug in tart warmers, Yankee Candle makes some wonderful scents. If you are looking for a more holistic approach essential oils can add some extra warmth to your classroom.
Note: Please check your student's allergies before adding scents to your room. 

Tip #4 De- Clutter
Clutter makes people anxious. If students don't know where things go our how to find something it will make your life more difficult. Students should have access to 90% or more of the room-It's their space too. If your classroom is labeled and kid friendly it will automatically at a cozy feeling. I love visiting the Clutter Free Classroom's Blog, so many great ideas of how to make your classroom clutter free!

Tip #5 Add Personal Touches
Make your room, YOUR room. I always add photos of may family, it's important to show students you are human too! Curtains are a quick and easy way to soften up any cinder block classroom. Bringing in houseplants or other types of decorations can give your room more of a personal touch as well!

Hope these tips give you inspiration this year!

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